
woodle is a word guessing game.

The answer to the game is the English words given in the TOEIC. You don't have to think without knowing the answer.

Let's find the correct word based on the hint.

Game Description

Please type in a five-letter word and press Enter.

If the panel is gray, the text is not included.

If the panel is yellow, the alphabet is included, but the location is different.

If the panel is green, the location and letters match.

If all the panels are green, you win.
The answer this time was "bench".

Game flow

At first, collect experience points with simple words.

As the level goes up, difficult words will be set little by little.

Also, if certain conditions are met, the number of characters in question will gradually increase as the stage goes up.

A special button will be unlocked when the stage goes up.

This button will make your quiz easier.


From the developer

This app was made so that even people who are not good at English can play it.。

The questions are given from the words learned in TOEIC.

And anyone can play to the end for free.

Also, this app contains a few ideas that I have come up with, so I hope you like it.

If you have any requests or questions, please contact the developer.

The more people say to me, the better the app will be. And I would appreciate it if you could play with more people.

Finally, I have a request.

I am Japanese and studying English very hard.

And I don't know how to get a English word list to type in.

For example, not only "write" but also variants such as "write" "wrote" "written" "writing" I want to be able to type in.

If you have a huge list of words that I would like, could you please send me?

I would be very happy if you could email me.

We hope you enjoy playing.

From your friend in Japan


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猫画工房 Item
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